Each year, natural disasters kill 250,000 people and cause billions of dollars in property damage.
What can you do?
- Spread the word: Buy a StopTheSpin.org shirt at the online store. Tell the world!
- Participate in our upcoming Stop the Spin day!
Next Date: March 10th, 2004. 3:00pm EST
How do I participate?
- Get in your heaviest car (ideally a school bus, or tractor-trailer. SUVs also work quite well).
- Face east (Make SURE that you are facing the correct direction. Otherwise, you will be working against our cause).
- When the clock strikes three, FLOOR IT.
- Once you reach the highest speed at which you feel comfortable, apply the brakes lightly. Gradually come to a stop.
- Relax for the rest of the day. Feel good knowing that you have done your part to stop the spin of the earth
- Call or write to your Congressman and tell him that you support stopping the spin.
- Add the following StopTheSpin.org banner ad to your website:
Simply copy and paste this code into your website: <a href="http://StopTheSpin.org"><img src="http://StopTheSpin.org/ad.gif"
width="450" height="60" border="0"
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